
Frank Gordon is what Harrison needs

To the Editor,

After years of unheralded toil each fall in support of political candidates, I have finally decided that my remaining days would be better spent with my grandchildren. For that reason, I intend to withdraw from political activism after this November, though I do hope to continue to vote for many years to come. During this final lap in my personal political race, I have grown excited about a candidate for Town Council and want to express my enthusiasm to you in the form of this letter.

After retiring from a 25-year career in business and law, Harrison resident Frank Gordon has devoted himself to giving something back to our community. During the time I have known Frank, we have spent many hours discussing our beloved town and how to improve it. He is smart, well-spoken and pleasant to be around.

We need a new voice in town government that embraces residents’ input with courtesy and respect. Through Frank’s unbiased, consensus approach to decision-making, he will solve problems we may face without angering residents. His solutions will be creative and in the best interests of our community as a whole.

Frank is running on a platform of openness and transparency, which represents a major change from the current Town Council’s secrecy. In the past, residents have too often felt left in the dark about town decisions.

I hope you will join me in supporting Frank Gordon’s candidacy for Harrison town councilman/village trustee. I believe he is the rare person who has the brains, experience and people skills to move our community forward.


Joan Di Donato,
