Month: January 2016

Winter parking and hover board safety tips

Winter parking and hover board safety tips

Winter weather is upon us and certain weather-related parking restrictions may be in effect as the season unfolds. A declaration of a snow emergency allows the Department of Public Works and the Harrison Police Department to restore reasonable flow of traffic on our municipal roadways as swiftly as possible. Cars […]

A team of six Harrison High School students has made it to the finals of the Innovative App Challenge sponsored by Verizon, securing them a chance to see their concept—which aims at providing food to the homeless—to fruition. Photo courtesy Pay It Forward

Harrison High students innovate for a cause

On a recent class trip to a museum in New York, Benjamin Struhl, 17, was struck most profoundly not by the art hanging on the walls, but by a sight many New Yorkers are all too familiar with: homeless men and women begging for food. “When we got [off] the […]

The agony of da feet
Opinion Sports

The agony of da feet

If you hail from Minnesota or Cincinnati, or root for the football teams in those areas, I want to offer my condolences. I don’t know how you got out of bed on Monday. Over the weekend, the Vikings and Bengals suffered absolutely brutal losses in the NFL Wild Card round, […]

A Jew walks up to St. Peter…

A Jew walks up to St. Peter…

[dropcap]Y[/dropcap]ou’d think this would be good news to a Jew like me: The Vatican has declared that my tribe can get into heaven. In a statement just released in honor of the 50th anniversary of the “Nostra Aetate”—itself a high point in Jewish-Christian relations, in that it stated Jews should […]

By replacing its traditional street lights with LEDs, the city of Yonkers is expected to save more than $18 million in energy costs over the next 10 years. Photos courtesy city of Yonkers

County legislators pass climate change resolution

The Westchester County Board of Legislators passed a resolution last month making the county the latest municipality to become a New York Climate Smart Community. The resolution, originally introduced to the board by county Legislator Catherine Parker, a Rye Democrat, will add Westchester to a network of communities throughout the […]