Month: February 2016

Digging in with the diet detective

Digging in with the diet detective

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]t’s a cruel joke that the Super Bowl comes just a little over a month after we have resolved to forsake all wings, chips, dip, pizza, soda, beer, cheese sticks, Cheez-Its, Cheetos and anything else that is bright orange and vaguely food-like. Ha. That’s why every year around this time, […]

The Larchmont Traffic Commission is proposing to implement bike lanes within the village, a plan that has been in the works for several years. Photo/Andrew Dapolite

Village of Larchmont considers bike lanes

The Larchmont Traffic Commission has a presentation and proposal ready for the village Board of Trustees to create bike lanes. According to Carol Miller, co-chair of the Traffic Commission, the idea was formed in either 2007 or 2008, and the commission started working with the Rye YMCA to come up […]

Rye drug coalition to conduct online survey

Rye drug coalition to conduct online survey

A new Rye drug and alcohol coalition launched an online survey on Feb. 1 aimed at collecting data on parental attitudes and knowledge of their childrens’ drug and alcohol habits. Beyond gathering data, one of the main goals of the survey is to start a communitywide conversation about drug and […]

Harrison students do us proud and sanitation pickup changes

Harrison students do us proud and sanitation pickup changes

[dropcap]I[/dropcap] would like to take this time to recognize a group of students at Harrison High School. The students in Ms. Frawley’s class applied to the Verizon Innovative App Challenge, a nationwide contest for middle and high school students, which challenged them to develop concepts for mobile apps that solve […]

Pinot’s Palette, a new paintbar in Tuckahoe, celebrated
its grand opening last December. Photo/Bobby Begun

Painting the town wine red

Georgina Meduri, balancing a paintbrush in one hand and a wine glass in the other, puts the finishing touches on her winter landscape and smiles. It’s a recent Wednesday night and a small group has gathered in White Plains’ Muse Paintbar. “Years ago, doing ceramics was the fad,” Meduri said […]