Month: December 2016

Westchester County officials rally to ‘ban the barge’

Westchester County officials rally to ‘ban the barge’

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]midst allegations that the U.S. Coast Guard circumvented proper procedure in order to fast-track approval of 43 additional commercial barge anchorages along the Hudson River, Westchester County officials and environmental watchdogs are calling for the agency to withdrawal its proposal. According to a statement by Pace University’s Environmental Policy Clinic, […]

Huskies win Miller Invitational

Huskies win Miller Invitational

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]n Saturday, Dec. 3, the Harrison Huskies kicked off the wrestling season on a strong note, earning a first-place finish at the Bernie Miller Invitational Tournament at Rye High School. With five wins at the event, the Huskies are coming into this week’s Section I dual meet with a head […]

Missing the ePoint

Missing the ePoint

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]t the risk of sounding like an old, out-of-touch curmudgeon, I have to admit; I do not understand the world of eSports. In late October, as all four major American professional sports were in full swing, Madison Square Garden played host to a competition of a different sort, something called […]

What’s headed for your plate

What’s headed for your plate

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]K, I did it. I actually gave my head a pitying shake when a friend told me she’d just discovered a fantastic restaurant in Jackson Heights that sells the giant Indian crepes called dosas. “It’s so great!” she said. “It’s called–“ “Dosa Delight,” I interrupted, as condescending as if she’d […]

The Rye Town Park Commission is currently reviewing a proposal from John Ambrose, the present restaurant tenant and co-owner of Seaside Johnnies, following the withdrawal of Angelo Liberatore’s plan on Aug. 15. Photo/Andrew Dapolite

City law prohibits food truck option for Rye Town Park

[dropcap]D[/dropcap]espite interest from multiple food truck concessioners to fill the opening left by Seaside Johnnies’ exit, a citywide provision currently prohibits vehicular vendors from peddling out of Rye Town Park, according to the city manager. Even with the Rye Town Park Commission recently drawing interest from Westchester’s famed food stand, […]