
During Hurricane Sandy,  storm-related tweets peaked at 20 percent of the total Twitter search queries.

Social media use grows during Sandy crisis

[dropcap]H[/dropcap]urricane Sandy left an unprece­dented mark on the region, but it also sparked a social media storm. Last month’s hurricane brought unforeseen destruction in Westchester and power outages, but also raised the bar of platforms like Facebook and Twitter, which were shown to be effective–particularly via smart phones–communication tools during […]

Rye Golf Club

Golf club contract, spending scrutinized

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]s the rumor mill over at Rye Golf Club churns with questions of potential conflicts of interest and allegations of excessive overtime costs, one city councilman is com- plaining that he is intentionally being left in the dark. The Rye Sound Shore Review has learned that the golf club, which […]