
Potholes, yard waste and pavements

[dropcap]I[/dropcap] hope everyone had a healthy and happy Easter and Passover, and enjoyed time spent with family and friends. As I share these thoughts, the sun is shining and we are out of winter temperature readings. I hope that harsh weather is finally behind us, and I expect the town’s spring cleanup efforts to proceed on schedule.

Our highway crews continue to repair our municipal roadways, and I ask residents to please report pothole locations to our Department of Public Works office at 670-3128. Targeting areas that are hardest hit will expedite the process and help to restore our community’s infrastructure.

It was an honor to attend this year’s Field of Honor Ceremony at Harrison High School. The Field of Honor project gives our community the opportunity to recognize a veteran, or current member of the armed forces, by purchasing a flag which is then placed in a designated area on the high school lawn. It was a moving tribute and I was glad I was able to be there.

I would like to take this time to remind you that with springtime comes good weather, budding flowers and door-to-door salespeople. If you have not been one of the 1,100 households to sign up for the Do-Not-Knock Registry, you can sign up on the town’s website at harrison-ny.gov, or call the town clerk’s office at 670-3030 to request a form. Town Clerk Jackie Greer will be more than happy to assist you with any questions.

Please make note of the following reminder from our commissioner of public works regarding organic yard waste. Under a directive from the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, Harrison is no longer permitted to accept and process grass clippings. Town personnel will no longer collect grass clippings, either in piles or bags, placed curbside. It is suggested that mowing equipment be retrofitted, adding blades that will efficiently mulch the grass as it is mowed, leaving the mulch to naturally fertilize the lawn. For more information on this issue, and on mulching, please visit our website at harrison-ny.gov.

Municipal agencies in our region have been learning about how they can recycle their existing pavements without having to add an overlay to the process. Hot in-place pavement recycling, HIPR, is a method of applying heat to an asphalt pavement, blending the upper layer of the old pavement with additional materials, and then compacting the blended materials back into place. This technique is less costly and, by using this new HIPR process, municipalities can substantially reduce their carbon footprint as compared to traditional mill and overlay. The town/village of Harrison has incorporated HIPR into its 2017 resurfacing program, which began on Tuesday, April 18. I look forward to the continued use of this revolutionary advancement and am confident that our infrastructure will benefit from its application.

The next Lunch with the Mayor is on Friday, April 28 and I will be at Great Wall, located at 25 Taylor Square in West Harrison. I will be at this location from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., and look forward to meeting with residents and talking about issues facing our community.