
Tax exemption and Youth Art Month

Ron Belmont[dropcap]I[/dropcap] would like to bring your attention to an issue that may affect many residents: tax exemption status. It is that time of year again; time for exemption renewals to be sent out. The Assessor’s Office is sending out renewal applications to all enhanced STAR applicants from prior years, as well as applicants of the RPTL 467 senior exemptions. These applications are being sent out with instruction information and all required dates. Applications are due on or before May 1, 2017. Additionally, May 1 is what is known as the Taxable Status Date, which requires all exemption applications to be submitted, as well as any demolitions of real estate to be completed to valuation changes. The Assessor’s Office asks that all renewals are carefully reviewed and that all required documents be submitted in a timely manner to avoid a loss of eligibility.

Exemptions offer modest to significant relief from real estate taxes. Enhanced STAR and Basic STAR offer relief on school taxes, whereas a veterans exemption offers relief from general town and county taxes and in some cases, school taxes. The Senior 467 Exemption is the most comprehensive and can offer a sliding scale reduction based on income of up to 50 percent from all forms of real estate taxes.

As with all applications for exemption from taxes, there are rules. All senior exemptions require proof of age, and an income component, with amounts varying based on the application provided. The Enhanced STAR income total is $86,000 based on 2015 federal income tax returns. The Senior 467 exemption is $37,399 based on 2016 income data. This exemption is based on gross income from all sources and not net income; i.e., social security income counts.

New homeowners, or those seeking STAR for the first time, must now apply to the state at tax.ny.gov/star or call 518-457-2036. The Harrison Assessor’s Office is available for questions Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The office can be reached by calling 670-3060. No applications will be accepted unless complete, as audits by the state of New York have become commonplace.

This year’s Youth Art Month kicks off with a reception in Town Hall on Sunday, March 5 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. This is a wonderful annual event and I encourage all residents to visit our municipal building throughout the month of March, and view the extraordinary talent from our youngest residents.

In closing, Thursday, March 2 is the opening night for the Harrison High School Footlight Players presentation of “The Addams Family.” Performances run through Sunday, March 5 at Harrison’s Performing Arts Center in the high school. I encourage everyone to attend what I’m sure will be a very exciting show.

The next Lunch with the Mayor is on Friday, March 3. I will be at Emilio’s Ristorante, located at 1 Colonial Place in Harrison. I will be at this location from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. and look forward to meeting with residents and talking about issues facing our community.