
Winter weather and various projects

Ron Belmont[dropcap]I[/dropcap] would like to take this opportunity to thank the Highway Department for doing a wonderful job clearing our streets after last week’s snowstorm. The highway crews plowed and salted our municipal roadways in record time, and I would like to commend them for their hard work. As a snowstorm approaches, please remember to put cars into driveways to help with street plowing efforts. In addition, when clearing driveways and walkways, please refrain from shoveling snow into the streets.

Winter weather is upon us, and certain weather-related parking restrictions may be in effect, as the season unfolds. A declaration of a snow emergency allows the Department of Public Works and the Harrison Police Department to restore reasonable flow of traffic on our municipal roadways, as swiftly as possible. Cars parked along snow emergency routes must be moved without delay. Whenever possible, streets will be plowed curb to curb.

During snow emergencies, residents will be advised through the mayor’s robo-call system and Harrison’s website, harrison-ny.gov. The designated emergency snow routes will be listed on the website. Information will also be carried on our local government channels (Channel 75 on Cablevision and Channel 1960 on Verizon Fios).

On a related note, given the dangerous weather conditions our region experienced recently, I would like to, once again, bring your attention to the My Community Alert system. Residents who signed up for local alerts were notified not only of black ice and freezing rain, but also of road closings due to downed trees and wires resulting from high winds. The system allows Harrison police officers and other town officials to notify residents in the event of an ongoing emergency. Text messages and emails (including photos and videos) will be sent out to registered residents when the department believes that the Harrison community should be informed of a local incident or event. Residents can register with My Community Alert at mycommunityalert.net. I encourage all residents to take advantage of this very useful technology.

Please make note of the following sanitation schedule change: Monday, Feb. 20 is a town holiday. Garbage and/or recycling normally collected on Monday will be collected on Tuesday, Feb. 21. Garbage and/or recycling normally collected on Tuesday will be collected on Wednesday, Feb. 22. There will be no bulk trash pickup on Feb. 22.

The Avalon Bay-MTA project on Halstead Avenue is moving forward. We are currently in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement phase and the written comment period ended on Feb. 10. Avalon Bay will now prepare a Final Environmental Impact Statement which will address any and all comments that were submitted during the draft phase.

On Thursday, Feb. 23 at 7:30 p.m., the Community Autism Project will be holding a parent support group at Engine 42 in Mamaroneck. All parents of children with autism are welcome. This event is sponsored by the volunteer Mamaroneck Fire Department and its mission is to spread awareness and acceptance. For additional information, contact Angela Fazzino at 552-8873. Please RSVP to commautismproject@yahoo.com by Tuesday, Feb. 21.

The next Lunch with the Mayor is on Friday, Feb. 17. I will be at Delfino’s, located at 60 Halstead Ave. in Harrison. I will be at this location from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., and look forward to meeting with residents and talking about issues facing our community.